Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday Ramblings

This is what is on my mind this week:

1.  If Alexander Skarsgard plays Christian Grey in the 2013 film version of 50 Shades of Grey I just might die a little, and have to go see it multiple times. 

2.  I don't know if it's wrong, but I love Howard Stern- and his voice reminds me of our Honeymoon, as we listened to his radio show for hours as we cruised the country.

3.  I made rocky road bars a couple days ago (marshmellows/chocolate/peanut butter) and decided, to make them extra awesome, I would double the peanut butter- then they all fell apart.  I guess you can have too much of a good thing.

4.  As discussed with some fellow watchers, I no longer know who to hate more; Joffrey Baratheon or Theon Greyjoy in HBO's Game of Thrones.

5.  I am looking forward to May 2-4 weekend, the first smell of freshly cut grass for the season, and Antoine's arrival in June.

6.  My closet:

is my favourite room in the house right now.

7.  On my adventures this week I have seen a beaver, osprey and 5 million frogs.  My sister and I also found several bottles from the 1970s... can someone explain what "Keep Cool" was?

That's it.... that's just about the entire make-up of my life right now.  Exciting stuff.



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