Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cooking with Marya

This week has been a whirl-wind.  Never will I think my life is hectic on a regular basis again.  I have had to juggle work, a two year old, housework, birthday parties and barbecues, and it has taken it's toll on me.  Hats off to Marya's mom for having to do this every single day.

During the week's events, Marya and I scored some quality God-Mother/God-Daughter time one afternoon... and after reading the book "Pinkalicous" for the twentieth time, we decided to make some pink rice crispy squares.  We tied our aprons, found the food colouring and set to work.  Marya decided to add quite a bit of water to the mixture, so they weren't exactly edible in the end, but we had quite the time.

I have the measuring spoons and I'm all ready to cook

Maybe some water will make it better... or not

chef and sous chef hard at work

Stir those marshmallows

Pink sprinkles on pink crispies... what an exciting time! Here is the finished product!

The house is very quiet now as I write this.  Both London and I are ready for a nap!  There is sticky stuff on every nook, paper scraps in every cranny, and lots of things where they don't belong- but little girl giggles are so worth it!!

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