Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A picnic in the park: or not!

A few weekends ago Jonathan and I decided to spend the day at our favourite Provincial Park with my in-laws David and Kathy.  We packed up my very small Mazda 2 with our extensive camping/picnic gear, had a field day at the grocery store and donned our sunglasses on the gorgeous drive.  We may have even forgotten the fact that we lived in Newfoundland, on such a hot sunny day, but sadly we were reminded once we parked the car at our day site and explored the area.  Only a true Newfoundlander could appreciate the torture that is a swarm of black flies.  Only a Newfoundlander knows what it feels like to have your ears buzzing, and your skin crawling and your bites itching.  Doesn't sound pretty does it?  Well, it isn't.  This is why, as avid campers, Jonny and I own bug jackets, a dozen citronella candles, copious amounts of bug repellent, and a car to drive away.  Last year, during work, Jonathan was dropped off in the middle of the forest by helicopter, only to realize that he had forgotten any form of fly bite prevention as the chopper flew away.  That night, when he returned home, it looked as though he had eaten a bowl of pea soup (which he is severely allergic to).

The point of my story?

We didn't stay in the park.

We decided to have our picnic in the in-law's beautiful backyard.  We even did it in true campsite style by pulling the cars on back and sitting up the table with our camping gear.

The one and only picture we managed to get at the park

Ahhh... that's better, no flies here!

Puppy is hot!

David with his yellow hat... which really matches the decor

A beautiful summer sky

Jonny and I pose for a sunny picture

I'm nothing if not coordinated!

I worked in the kitchen all afternoon for this dessert, haha

Well, here is hoping you make the best out of every situation!  Though it didn't quite go as planned, we had a fabulous day!!


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