Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Loves...

I wanted this post to be called "Monday Loves..." but it is now Tuesday.  I decided to start de-cluttering (one of my favourite things to do) and got a little carried away.  

Today we enjoyed our first walk in the park for the season, which is my first love:

1.  Walking London in the park

This is also one of London's loves.  It is not, however, one of Jonny's loves. (by the way, this picture is from last year, it is nowhere near that green in Newfoundland right now)

2.  Mary and Max

My sister introduced me to this hidden gem of a movie.  It is about a little girl from Australia who becomes pin pals with a man with Aspergers from New York.  It is incredibly touching (in a deep, dark sort of way) and the artistic work (it's claymation) is astounding.  Because of my education background I loved it even more, and anyone interested in exceptionalities and bullying should watch!!

3.  Birdy

This is who I am currently listening to, especially during peaceful drives by myself.  I can't get enough of her new album.

4.  Lipton Green Tea: Superfruit/ Charlie Brown Mug

I am not a usual green tea drinker.  I'd usually much prefer a cup of black tea with lots of milk and sugar... but this stuff is an exception.  I drink at least 2 cups of this everyday at work... it's like spring and happiness in a travel mug.  This is also my favourite mug of all time!!

5.  I Heart London Necklace

I need this necklace, but because the shipping cost is more than the cost of the item, I have to wait until I find something else to love before I get it.   And that's how something that costs 5 bucks becomes something that costs 50!

Yesterday I saw the first flower of the year!  Happy Times!



  1. Hey Tara... if I'm in Edmonton or Calgary in the near future, I will definitely keep an eye out for that necklace.. all going to plan, Tyler & I will be home this summer (probably early July) so I can deliver it to you then.. I know, that's a long wait! Keep me (us) posted if you get it sooner! PS That Charlie Brown mug is beyond cute. :)

    1. Jessica, I'm starting to think you are the nicest person I n-ever met, haha!! Thank you so much for offering, I'll let you know if I get it. I'm waiting for an online sale day, my favourite! It will be great to meet you this summer :)

  2. Hi Tara,

    Not sure if you remember me or not, but I met you a couple times when I was doing Biology with Jonathan! I started reading your blog one day after clicking on a Facebook post and I was hooked. It's great! :-) we seem to have similar taste in clothing stores! The reason I'm commenting on this post is that Forever21 has free shipping today for Victoria Day! I thought it might be a good chance to get your London necklace :-) Also you might like an online store that I've become addicted to lately: tiastar.com free shipping and returns in Canada!

    I hope things are going well for you and Jonathan (and London!) :-)

    1. Thanks Jessica, and I do remember you! I already broke down and bought the necklace but I did know that there is free shipping today- it's a very rare occurrence. I will definitely check out the site you mentioned!! Glad you like the blog :)
