Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Appreciating the Ups in a World of Ups and Downs

A few days ago a young girl who attended my school suddenly passed away.  I was called in for teacher relief, and as the school community processed the news, blank eyes and silence filled the hallways.  Disbelief and confusion filled everyone's hearts.  There was no reason for this.  The temporariness of life was made clear to us all.  In my very short teaching career I have now dealt with a student death twice, something most teachers will never have to do once.

In lieu of this, I decided that I should be more appreciative of the things I have in my life, instead of continually thinking of ways to improve upon my current situation.  Even in this past week alone my life has been filled with so many great things, things to be so thankful for.  Things that aren't really things at all.

Let's take a look:

1.  My grandfather turning 70:

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We celebrated Pop's birthday on Friday… which consisted of lots of food and a couple games of cards (one of which I won!).  Growing up with my grandparents next door, and now getting to spend lots of quality time with them, is something that I have always been appreciative of.

2.  That my family are friends and my friends are family:

Jonathan and I went out on the town Saturday night (something we rarely do).  We were joined by my cousin Natalia and my sister… who are two of my best friends; and my best friend Andrew, who I love like a brother.  And of course, Jonny is one of my best friends too!!  For me, I have so many awesome, loving people in my life that the lines between friends and family do not exist.  I have so many people to love that I don't know how there is room in my heart for everyone!

Here are some pictures from the night:



3. Thoughtful gifts from far away.

Andrew just came home from Whitehorse, where my dear friends Antoine and Patti live.  They sent home Christmas gifts for Jonny and I, which in itself was awesome!  part of my gift were these fabulous hand made fabric flowers.  Patti always picks out the most incredible, thoughtful gifts for me- which means more than the item itself.  They are getting married in July and I have a high level of gift-awesomness to live up to!


4.  Living close enough to see my Goddaughter grow up.

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Marya and her mom visited this weekend, and we always have lots of fun watching treehouse, telling London to "be good" and getting night time kisses.

5.  Getting to work with my mom.

Some people don't even have a mom, or do not live close enough to visit all the time.  I get to see mine every morning I go to work.  If I'm having a stressful day I can mosey on down the corridor to get some support, if I have a headache I can steal an Advil from her drawer, if I don't have my keys she can unlock my door.  I just finished a music replacement, and the music room was right across the hall from her classroom.  Talk about convenient!  If I ever needed anything I could barge right on in a take it!  We can make dinner plans in the blink of an eye! She can drive me home on snowy days!  My mom gets to take care of me even though I'm old and grown!

I could go on forever about the great things I get to experience on a regular basis… but these are just some of the best things that happened THIS week.  These are the things that, when my life changes again, I'll look back and think how amazing it all was.  I'm just trying to remember how amazing it all is now, in the moment.  Life has no guarantees, so live it, love it, lift it as high as you can!!




1 comment:

  1. "She can drive me home on snowy days!"

    You live next door to the school!
