Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday Ramblings....

This is what is on my mind this week....

1.  Last Thursday was Elementary Sports Day at school, which left the hallways smelling of buttery sunblock instead of the usual cafeteria lunches/industrial cleaner smell.  It was quite heavenly, and made me stop for a moment and realize summer is here!!  It's a whopping 25 degrees outside, and I have visions of camping, swimming and vacationing fighting for room in my head.  Someone please remind me why I decided to work this summer instead of enjoying a long teacher-summer off!

2.  True Blood has started, and I am so excited!  Now maybe my inner nerd will stop talking about zombies all the time and concentrate on vampires for a while.  Jonny has officially banned the words "zombie apocalypse" from my vocabulary, to which my friend Antoine says "He'll be screwed now if it ever happens, because I won't be able to warn him".  So Jonny is zombie meat... and now you all now my guilty pleasure/hidden geekery tendencies.

3.  My favourite things of the moment include such things as:

Tootsie Roll Pops

This website

For all your musical needs.

And this guy:

Because he cleaned my car, and it's no longer comparable to a dog kennel.

4.  I have recently learned that: Being an interviewer is no more fun than being an interviewee, that spending a Saturday night at a grade six prom, volunteering with your aunt and mother-in-law can certainly be a time, and that if you feed setters too much- they will get fat.

On a more serious note, I have been reminded, once again, that some children are hungrier than me, that some children are poorer than me, that some children are sadder than me, and much much more unfortunate.  Actually, I have been reminded that I actually do not know what it is to be hungry, poor or profoundly saddened, without hope.  I hope you all take a moment to appreciate all the small (and large) things in your life that you may have taken for granted.

I'll leave you with that


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