Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wreaths and other beautiful things

I recently found a sale at a local craft store on straw wreaths… and so I bought some yarn and felt and went crazy.
I meant to take some better pictures, but I'll probably never get around to it.
To make a basic yarn wreath all you need is a straw wreath (leave on the plastic wrap) a hot glue gun and yarn.  Just hot glue the end of the yarn onto the wreath and start wrapping!! You will need patience, and it may make you dizzy (or maybe that's just me).  Then glue on the other end and voila! your straw wreath is now a yarn wreath.
For the striped felt wreath I used pinking shears to cut the felt in 8" X 1" strips and then pinned them on the wreath using sewing pins.  Make sure they over lap a little.
Then you are free to decorate however you please- felt flowers, buttons, ribbons, or whatever!!
I also made some art recently- using acrylic paint, scrapbooking paper, branches, mod pog and a cricut.
Here is what I came up with:
My bird still needs some legs, but other than that I am very pleased with it.
I have started another canvas art project today- which I will share upon completion!!
Hope you enjoyed

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