Monday, April 30, 2012


I am excited today, because tomorrow:

This Girl

And This Momma

Are Visiting These People

And then Thursday

This Guy

Is Coming Too!

And they all will have the most fun imaginable!!

PS:  I just realized that I had my comments blocked for non-registered users, so if you ever wanted to make a comment you are to go back and do it NOW!

PPS:  Sorry I have been so slack lately, but I have been busy baking cupcake cakes and buying poop bags for further park adventures.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Not an Ordinary Fashion Post

Grey Sweater: McKinley . Down Vest: The North Face .  Yoga Pants: Aerie . Track Pants: MEC.
Navy T-Shirt: Cox's Cove Come Home Year Festival

Maine Hunting Boots: LL Bean

Acceseries- Headband: Lululemon . Socks: Smartwool . eye glasses: D&G

I read fashion blogs all the time.  I love sites like Kendi Everyday and jenloveskev and aspire to be as fashion smart and savvy as their writers.  When I do actually get to spend some time in public, i.e: at work or the grocery store, I am rarely a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl and I often opt for an awesome dress with lots of accessories, or something no one else in my small town would dream of hanging in their closet.  I once had a parent give me a pair of cowboy boots from Nevada because she figured I was stylish enough to wear them and they were getting no use at her home.

But, a lot of my activities calls for something a little more practical... and that's how a Friday evening finds me looking like this.  I don't usually post about clothing, but Jonny and I had some fun snapping these photos and I thought it would be funny to start with this unflattering outfit.  This is how I really look, this is how I am happiest- enjoying my husband, my pooch and the environment around me.  I am proud that I can wear heels and a dress one day and a down-filled vest and rubber boots the next.  I am proud to live my two-toned life of smart shopper/potential law student/city lover and cabin going/mud puddle jumping/country loving girl.  One day maybe I'll own a Luis Vuitton, but I promise you I will still wear my kamiks, long underwear and free t-shirts as well.

Life can bring with it so many adventures- I'm always going to make sure I have the gear to dress for each one!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Loves...

I wanted this post to be called "Monday Loves..." but it is now Tuesday.  I decided to start de-cluttering (one of my favourite things to do) and got a little carried away.  

Today we enjoyed our first walk in the park for the season, which is my first love:

1.  Walking London in the park

This is also one of London's loves.  It is not, however, one of Jonny's loves. (by the way, this picture is from last year, it is nowhere near that green in Newfoundland right now)

2.  Mary and Max

My sister introduced me to this hidden gem of a movie.  It is about a little girl from Australia who becomes pin pals with a man with Aspergers from New York.  It is incredibly touching (in a deep, dark sort of way) and the artistic work (it's claymation) is astounding.  Because of my education background I loved it even more, and anyone interested in exceptionalities and bullying should watch!!

3.  Birdy

This is who I am currently listening to, especially during peaceful drives by myself.  I can't get enough of her new album.

4.  Lipton Green Tea: Superfruit/ Charlie Brown Mug

I am not a usual green tea drinker.  I'd usually much prefer a cup of black tea with lots of milk and sugar... but this stuff is an exception.  I drink at least 2 cups of this everyday at work... it's like spring and happiness in a travel mug.  This is also my favourite mug of all time!!

5.  I Heart London Necklace

I need this necklace, but because the shipping cost is more than the cost of the item, I have to wait until I find something else to love before I get it.   And that's how something that costs 5 bucks becomes something that costs 50!

Yesterday I saw the first flower of the year!  Happy Times!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

London's Three!!

Presents for London!!

London's loves in order of severity:
4.Opening Presents

 A new spring toy!  I wonder how long this one will last!  She is sporting a stained leg from jumping in a swamp hole during her walk!!  Better give her a good bath soon!!

Happy Sunday!  Today was a special one for us, London's Birthday!!  Since we have no children, we make a bigger deal of the occasion than what may be considered normal, but ah well, it's all in good fun.

We took London to G&G's house (Grandma and Grandpa) where she received her very own hamburger patty and new toys!! Grandpa took her for a walk down the street and she got in a few good naps before it was time to go home.  Tim Horton's must've realized what an important day it was because they gave her two plain doughnuts instead of one by accident!!

Thanks to my mother-in-law for taking some pictures because, of course, we forgot our camera.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Recap

Because I have slowly been going insane with cabin fever this last little while, I vowed to make Easter as exciting as possible without exerting too much energy or money.  The success rate of this endeavour is to be determined.

First, I decorated.  After kind of boycotting Valentine's and St. Patrick's Day I figured I needed to festivfy (made up word) the house.  I found the cutest white bunny that ever didn't live at Pier 1, threw some tiny eggs on branches from our wedding and made some yarn balls (which I love so much) in Easterish colours.

Good Friday

The In-laws came over and we cooked them bar-b-q wild atlantic salmon, bacon broccoli salad and ranch roasted potatoes for supper.  

Easter Saturday

Us and the In-Laws enjoyed a weekend brunch of over-night french toast (see recipe below).  Then, we went to visit my family in Cox's Cove, and thanks to a very kind fisherman friend we all enjoyed a proper feast of fresh snow crab.  There is nothing quite as exciting as the opening of crab and lobster season.  

Easter Sunday

As per tradition, Sister and I woke up ready to triumph as we embarked on our annual Easter egg hunt.  We may be 21 and 26 but our mother (pops, the Easter Bunny) still hides eggs and we still find them.  We enjoyed a late dinner of turkey and smoked ham at my Nan's house, and then sat around stuffed and lazy for the rest of the day.

Easter Monday

My mother and I took a road trip to the Northern Peninsula to visit my Nan and Pop Keough, and to also visit my 97 year old Great Nan House.  We enjoyed some spring sale shopping before we went, and I got to see one caribou and about 20 Canada Geese.  

There you have it, about as exciting as my life gets.

Though I didn't take a picture... here is a recipe for the greatest baked french toast you'll ever have:

What to use:

- 1 cup Brown Sugar
- 1 1/2 tbsp Cinnamon
-1/4 cup butter (melted)
-12 slices of bread (depending on how many sandwiches)
-1 1/2 cup blueberries
-5 eggs
-1 1/2 tbsp vanilla
- 1 cup milk
- 1/2 tbsp salt

What to do:

- Mix together the brown sugar, cinnamon and melted butter until smooth.  On the bottom of a baking dish (I used 9X13) spread 1/3 of the mixture.
- Lay 6 slices of bread (or how ever many spices depending on how many you are making) in the dish and cover with another third of the mixture and the blueberries.
-lay the second slice of bread on the sandwiches and cover with the remaining sugar mixture.
-Whisk together the eggs, milk, vanilla and salt and pour evenly over the bread, patting down just a little.
-Let the toast soak overnight in the fridge, and let it sit at room temperature for an hour or two in the morning
- Bake uncovered at 350F for about 40-45mins or until golden brown and firm.
-Watch out, it's hot!

I sprinkle a little icing sugar and pour some syrup over the top... but you can be creative.

Hope you enjoy!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Neighbours

I am guilty of doing some major complaining about the place I live.  There are some very evident flaws with my situation... our house isn't new or sparkly.  Right now there is about two feet of spring mud in our driveway, our fridge is straight from the 1970s and we see just as many ATVs going down the road as we do actual vehicles.  That's just a few complaints.  Let's not even begin to address the lack of fresh produce, the lack of Starbucks and the non-lack of stray dogs.

But every now and then I have a day that makes me feel lucky.  Like an actual nice day when the sun hits our patio at exactly the right angle, or when I get a call to work and I can walk there in 2 minutes.  One of the major things I love is that my next door neighbour (who mows our lawn sometimes, and snow blows the driveway, and checks on the house when we're gone) owns a farm and it's right in my back yard.  There is something about rolling fields that just puts me at ease and makes me want to whip on an apron and make some apple pie.  What makes this even better is that the cows just had calves!! Yay!!  I liked the cows good enough before (Jonny and I used to go feed them some bread every now and then) but now there are two little guys to pet and watch.  Check them out:

Baby #1

Baby #2

The moms

And this little grouse, we won't let London know she missed him or she'll be sad!

Easter posts to come... I'm off to scam some supper from my parents!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

English Setter Gear We Live By

There is an ongoing battle in my house over Miss London.  You see, she is mommy's little girl, as you can see my the cute pictures of her I post online, and as my entire social network knows by the amount I talk about late-morning cuddles and mother-"daughter" joyrides to the city.  Don't get me wrong, she's daddy's little girl too, but it is me who wants the snazzy pink collar from the pet store.

However, London is also a hunting-bred English Setter, and Jonny is a hunting-bred Newfoundlander.  So, our little girl is also an extremely active, nature loving, messy pooch who lives for the woods... and who takes her job very seriously.

Owning a big, strong hunting dog with long hair and a keen sense of smell can add a bit of stress, and dirt, to ones life.  You have to be a certain kind of person to find a balance between spoiled pup and Elmer Fudd in dog form.  There are a few items that make finding this balance so much easier, and helps to make all of us so much more healthy and happy.

Here are our favourites:

Easy walk harness by Premier Pet

I walk London pretty much daily, sometimes twice a day.  When she was a pup this was a leisurely stroll over to the elementary school where I work.  When she grew up, even as a good walker, which she usually is, I just do not have the strength to go far with the leash hooked on her coller.  Enter the easy walk harness to solve all problems.  This special harness has the leash hook on the dogs chest... which really lessens the dog's pull and causes no harm to the dog's throat (as collars can).  This thing is so good that we even leave one at grandma's and grandpa's (London's babysitters).

GPS Dog Collar: Garmin Astro 320

Once upon a time tagging along on evening bird hunting trips, and running London in the woods behind the house was something that did my heart good.  She is never happier!  Then, something very bad happened- she got caught in a fox snare.  Now, I'm not the most un-tough gal around, and I've had my fair share of dealings with rabbit snares, but a fox snare catches your dog by the throat.  I was lucky enough to spot her through the trees and wonder why she wasn't moving, and she was smart enough to sit and wait for help rather than pull.  In the end, after a few horrific moments, she was fine.  She kind of didn't even know why we had to leave and go home and why her parents were so upset.  Because of this experience, what used to do my heart good almost gives me a coronary every time I tag along.   

Then Jonny brought home the GPS, which has a collar with a built in tracking device, and a handheld GPS that tells you where your dog is.  This device is designed for hunting/sporting dogs (whenever she stops for a moment the GPS beeps and tells us London is on point).  Now, I can know where London is even if I can't see her... and if she stops for two long we can find her and check it out.  Every now and then I still have the odd panic attack in the woods with her, but this nifty piece of technology has certainly improved my life!

Seat Cover

Find this one here

We have two vehicles, a car and a truck, and both of our back seats look similar to this random person's.  Our vehicles are still messy, but I would be afraid to see what they would look like without these covers.  Not only does it stop a lot of pesky hair from digging its way into the car seats, never to be removed again without a lot of sweat, blood and tears (maybe a slight exaggeration), it also protects from the MOUNDS of mud that London brings into the car/truck with her after a run (or walk, or even a pee break).  I'm pretty sure that an English Setter coat attracts every speck of dirt, leaf and fallen tree branch within 100 meter radius.  I'm pretty sure that if she ever stayed still long enough after a run, birds would consider her fur pre-fab homes.  This cover receives all the abuse... and can be thrown in the washer and hung outside to dry.  It also unclips really easily, so we can be nice to our occasional backseat passengers. 

I would've made a top ten list, but these three things are so important to our life that I didn't want to just fill the post up with other random things.  Of course there are great toys, treats, leashes, etc., but these are  the three items that go above and beyond basic dog care that I would want every future (and present) setter owner to be aware of!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

E.T. Phone Home

It's amazing what some people do to their pets.  

In all seriousness though, we are not pet dresser-uppers.  Every now and then we throw something on London for a photo-op and then take if off (if she hasn't removed it herself) but for the most part we just let her be a dog.  I just couldn't resist posting this picture of her in a sweatshirt, because all it makes me think of is ET during his epic bike ride.

Somethings practicality dictates that we do put something on London.  We spend a lot of time in boat during the spring/summer, during which she becomes a big baby and shivers from the cold.  She may look like she has a lot of fur (and my floors may suggest she has a lot of fur) but her hair is very thin.  Usually she wears a neoprene vest while cruising the seven seas:

Here she is with her sea legs on.  This pictures also offers a glimpse into Newfoundland dory cruising fashion.  That's Mr. Wolf sitting between Jonny and I.

To all of you that dress up your pets, I'm not judging.  We all enjoy our pets in different ways.  

Here is wishing you and all your furry friends a great day!
